Jesus Our High Priest
Jesus the Apostle and
High Priest of our confession
3:1-3; 8::1-12
He is seated at God’s right hand
Redemption is completed.
The blood has been presented before
the throne and all who believe
and receive Christ Jesus are
released from
condemnation and guilt.
Jn 17:4
Rom 8:1
* He
is resting until His enemies
become His footstool
We have also entered the rest of grace
in Christ.
No more striving
or trying to achieve,
but righteousness working by
faith alone.
Ps 110:1-3 Heb 4:10 Rom 5:17
* All authority has been given to Him
We reign with Him and operate in His authority in the earth.
What we say goes for He backs us up
with His power.
Mth 28:18 1Pet 3:22 Mth 18:18
* He is the Minister in the Sanctuary
He lives and ministers in the true sanctuary
of heaven that is made without hands.
He is the minister in the sanctuary
of our hearts and our lives!
He has furnished us with all the equipment
that we will ever need for this life
and service in His Kingdom.
Heb 9:4
Ex 40; Acts 15:16
Mth 16:18
Eph 2:22 Acts 1:8
* He is appointed to offer up gifts and offerings
has offered up His own life
for us at the Cross.
He has poured out on us spiritual gifts
in abundance.
blood of the new covenant
has made the way for us to
freely enter into His presence
and receive every need met
in overwhelming proportions.
Eph 1:3 Rom 6:23 Tit 2:11
Gal 2:16
Heb 9:12 Jn 14:13
* He has effected total reformation
Jesus has set everything straight!
He has brought in a complete new order
through the new covenant.
We have freedom in Him to live
in the spirit of worship and absolute truth.
Our consciences have been purified
from all sinful ways, dead works,
fear and bondage.
We now experience an intimate
and fulfilling relationship
with the Father through the Son by the Spirit.
Heb 2:9 2Cor 5:17 Mth 26:26-29
Jn 4:23-24 Col
3:3 Heb 9:14
Rom 8:15 Eph
2:18 Jn 14:23
* He has made us a Kingdom of Priests
We stand in the gap
through intercessory
prayer and spirit inspired supplications.
We use our position of authority
to destroy the
works of darkness
and build up the Kingdom of God.
We operate in the ninefold gifts
and as five fold ministers
we release
the eternal purposes of God
in the earth.
We pursue the things that produce peace
and stability in peoples lives
and situations
with a divine wisdom and insight that establishes His righteousness and victory.
Rev 1:6 Eph 6:18 Ezek 22:30
2Cor 10:3-6 1Cor 12:8-11
Eph 4:11-13 Jer 33:3
Isa 32:15-17
Rom 14:17