Kingdom Prosperity !
DIVINE PLANS TO PROSPERS US Jer 29:11; John 10:10;
1.His Plans are for
our Good Jer 29:11 Jn 10:10 Ps 35:27 2.He has a Divine Blueprint Ps 139:13 Rom 8:29-30 Eph 2:10 3.We Must Respond
to His Calling Jer 1:5 Gal 1:15 Eph 1:4 4.We Must Hear and Respond to His Voice Mth 13:14-16 Isa 55
The Blessing Of God Ps 67 Pr 10:22 Eph 3:1
1.His Face shining upon us Ps
89:15 Num 6:22-27 Eph 5:19 2.His Ways made known on earth Isa 2:4 Mth 28:19-20 3.His Salvation amongst the nations
Isa 52:7-10 Acts 2:17 4.His Praise from every nations Mal 1:11 Ps 22:27 Phil 2:9-11
Receiving His Benefits Ps 103:2
1.By Faith believing the Word! 2Cor1:20
Gal 5:2 2.By the Spirit of Jesys within! Rom 8:11 Jn 14:16-17 3.God has no favourites! Mth 8:17 Rom 8:17 Acts 10:34
4.All His benefits in Christ Eph 2:8 Phil 4:19 Ps 103:1-5
Our Position In Christ - Seven Spiritual Blessings Eph 1:1-14
- Holy and Faithful Eph 1:1 1Cor 1:2 Rev17:4 2.Blessed - Full & Prosperous Eph 1:3 Ps 103:1-5 Rom 8:32 3.Chosen
- Personally by God Eph 1:4 Jn 15:16 Gal 1:15 4.Predestined - Known beforehand Eph 1:5 Rom 8:28 Jer 1:5 5.Accepted - Loved
unconditionally Eph 1:6 Rom 5:8 1Jn 4:10 6.Redeemed - Bought and owned Eph 1:6 1Cor 6:20 Tit 2:14 7.Riches - Joint-heirs
Eph 1:11 Rom 8:17 1Pet 1:4 8.Sealed - Anointed Owned Eph 1:13 Rom 8:11 1Jn 2:27