The Immensity of God
He’s bigger than you thought !
Jer 32:17 Isa 40:28;46:10 Rev 1:10-18
His love is everlasting
What love is it
that sacrifices His own Son
that we can be saved?
His power is omnipotent
Our God does whatever He wills
and fulfills
His eternal purposes and plans
His glory is awesome
He dwells in unapproachable light,
His face shines like the sun
We need to expand our vision of Him
Isa 6:1-8 Ezek 1 Rom 8:28-29
Spend quality time with Him
bask in His presence daily
Experience the fullness of His joy and receive
the abundance of His grace
Come into a clearer understanding
of His purpose for our life
We are His workmanship and He has a predestined plan for our lives
Let Him do it for us !
He is the wind beneath our wings,
our wisdom, strength
and life
Let God take centre stage !
Mth 17:5 Rev 21-22 Isa 59:17-19
He has taken care of everything
Commit your ways to Him and have no worries or fear
Now is the time to move in deeper
Let Him change you and prepare you for the
greater works
God is coming through in your life
and situation !
New wine of His Spirit is overflowing from your
innermost being